About #CritEdPol
#CritEdPol, A Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies at Swarthmore College is an open access journal published by the Critical Education Policies Studies (CEPS) group at Swarthmore College. #CritEdPol is a space for critical discussions of education policies and education-related issues, and their relationships to various communities and educational practice. Doing critical education policy studies is an evolving perspective that counters views that frame policy as apolitical, intrinsically technical, rational, action-oriented instruments that decision makers use to solve problems and affect change.* Instead we view policy as social phenomena that are connected to socio-historical context, ideologies, institutions, and individuals involved in the formation and implementation of policy. As such, through our journal we seek policy papers and other texts (video, audio/podcast, photo narratives, etc) created primarily by undergraduates and education advocates: youth, parents, educators, activists, policy makers, etc. We will also, to a limited extent, consider submissions by graduate students and early career scholars. Our intention is to have a broad appeal in order to make education policy accessible and encourage cross-sector conversations and collaborations.
Following the publication of its first issue, #CritEdPol will have a double-blind peer-reviewed section for undergraduate students (and graduate students), as well as an invitational section for education practitioners in the field. The journal is published in association with bepress and the Swarthmore College libraries (Pennsylvania, USA). #CritEdPol will publish two issues per year starting June 2016.
Inquiries should be addressed through the contact form or by email Edwin Mayorga, emayorg1@swarthmore.edu
Journal page: http://works.swarthmore.edu/critedpol/
Twitter: @CritEdPol, #CritEdPol
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CritEdPol/