Demand a 60-Day Delay on the ESEA rewrite
From Philadelphia-area parent-activist Alison Hawver McDowell
Demand a 60-Day Delay on the ESEA rewrite
Right now it looks like the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA) could be even worse than “No Child Left Behind.” Testing is likely to be further embedded into the curriculum via “stealth” assessments that will be almost impossible to opt out of. Returning control to the states is problematic, because many state legislatures are already controlled by private interests, and it will make the opt out fight even more difficult.
Please send three emails. It only takes a few minutes.
Simply state that as a parent, educator, or citizen you have grave concerns about the ESEA rewrite legislation. The fact that Congress plans to release a 600+ page law that will fundamentally reshape the US education system and vote on it a few days later before anyone has a change to read it raises a lot of red flags. That is not democratic. Demand transparency.
Email both US Senators for PA
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Blog posts on ESEA/ESSA concerns: