Ed Policy Podcast – Rough Cuts

Thank you for participating in the podcast premier. Below are the links to each of the “rough cuts”  of the podcasts and some of the visuals complimenting the podcast.

For students please pick four podcasts to listen to and send them brief feedback via email. Please cc me (emayorg1@swarthmore.edu ) so that I can count that as part of your participation grade. Also if you have any changes you want to make to the title of your podcast please email that information to me as well.

If you were a guest at the premiere please feel free to email students with any feedback you might have for them.

Here is a google doc with updated links to podcasts and visualizations

Here is a link to the feedback form that anyone may use 

Many thanks,


A Deeper Look Into Justice:​ A Case Study of Bryn Mawr College ​ – Shannan Stafford (systafford@brynmawr.edu)

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tYiQ5Mge111lbozM_PBB4Y6iAzRMc4oT

Visual: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yzYDt9w8Mg6t_-DdyTZQAuY4ONYqsDBE

A Look at For-Profit Colleges – Rebecca Castillo <rcastil1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast & Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLyiOAbug9U&feature=youtu.be

Community Schools in Philadelphia – Jay Smack <jsmack1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/jada-morris-smack/podcast-smack

Rural Education – Dotty Smith <dsmith5@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IBjo7H7RiQjEbkaeNp47kKJriUmiOM8k

Title IX/O4S at Swarthmore – Harrison Hotham <hhotham1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2eYKgeG9T7qZlZPck5xLVlCTk1Ycjk2OWI0U0pvNGVPQlB3

School suspensions, school2prison pipeline – Lelosa Aimufua <laimufu1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15JHqM3q66QmyudGR4jvSDY1nuI43Gsxe/view?usp=sharing

Effects of Standardized Testing for disabled students – Nathaniel Shafer <nshafer2@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2eYKgeG9T7qNXpmSG02UnF4cENZV0dVb3dBcEJEU05lVmFV

NYC Specialized High School – Miryam Ramirez <mramire2@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13CtpkyAEJ_uFtW2nZqmjLXpI6M-sbDvC/view?usp=sharing

College Access Programs – Edna Olvera <eolvera1@swarthmore.edu>


Literacies of Liberation (Faith-based Schools) – Taylor Tucker <ttucker3@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2eYKgeG9T7qN2hnaUJIekphVVJ4aThadHdxQkxHRUJQaGMw/view?usp=sharing

Restorative Justice – Skylar Thoma <sthoma1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2eYKgeG9T7qXzBEcjJZVFhYN29HZUlabnVnWFpCaDRrUEpV/view?usp=sharing

City School and Hospitals – Tommy Bothwell <ibothwe1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2eYKgeG9T7qamhHRGF3OUV1Zzl5ZEY2ZDNJUDBMeEVXQWNv/view?usp=sharing

What Know? For Profit Colleges & Student Loans – Lauren E Knudson <lknudso1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HAj5wXL17yeedRPxDJJkNkWRH0itqvpx/view?usp=sharing

Undocumented Student Education Policy – Roberto Jimenez Vargas <rjimene1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2eYKgeG9T7qYU40bVRfd21ZWFBVS3V4bTFEd3VvVVFNSHlj/view?usp=sharing

Youth Courts & Restorative Justice – Tessa Hannigan <thannig1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mc4gcwrv1OngW5zKX7-LV0daVS3Zh6D3/view?usp=sharing

Red for Ed – Jasmine Betancourt <jbetanc1@swarthmore.edu>

Visualization: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CEdh4-0kUZwoM8dyJgSV1zCYcwcO6fQv

Imprisonment of Students w/ Dis/abilities – Ethan Yoo <eyoo1@swarthmore.edu>

Podcast: https://drive.google.com/a/swarthmore.edu/file/d/1u7pW_lfIN-ekdTOsBsyv6de5q5tjRF1Z/view?usp=drivesdk

Thank you- Edwin (w/support from A.G.)