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Tag: #Teaching

ED 41 Week 9 Readings: Perspectives on Education Policy Reform Strategies

Readings Howley, A. (1986). Gifted education and the spectre of elitism. The Journal of Education, 168(1), 117–125. Philadelphia Coalition Advocating for Public Schools. (n.d.). Excellent schools for all children: The Philadelphia community education plan. Smith, R. E. (2011). How to evaluate choice and promise neighborhooods (No. 19). The Urban Institute. Stein, S. J. (2001). “These…

Education Policy Crs at Swarthmore

This fall CEPS (@CritEduPolicy) director, Edwin Mayorga (@eimayorga)  is teaching Education Policy (Educ 41) at Swarthmore College. Here is the course description What is policy, and how does it shape what we can and cannot do? What is the relationship between education, policy, the state, schools and people? How do education policies work in relation…


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